
Controlling and monitoring pests in BSF farms

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Marcos Aguayo


Pests are a common issue in insect farms, and at some point, everyone encounters them.

They can be so problematic that at Insectius, we have developed software that uses computer vision, along with trained models, to detect pests. We set up 4-5 cameras to monitor potential issues with moths, flies, spiders, and others pests 24/7.

From my experience in Tenebrio Molitor and Black Soldier Fly (BSF) farms, the most frequent pests are:


In Tenebrio farms, moths are a serious problem. We’ve had significant challenges in eliminating them in the past, to the point where we had to develop a product specifically designed to eradicate the pest without harming the Tenebrios.

Besides using the product developed by Insectius, prevention is the only solution. Freezing all wheat bran sacks before feeding the insects is crucial. Freezing for 48 hours at temperatures below ten degrees usually works.

If detected, action must be taken quickly before they reproduce.


There are different types of mites. As part of Insectius's anti-pest product line, we have also developed a product that prevents the massive reproduction of moisture and grain mites. While it doesn’t completely solve the problem, it allows for intervention by other means. In addition to applying the product, you need to lower the humidity and clean the trays as thoroughly as possible.

In BSF farms, mites are not as problematic, although equally recurrent. However, since BSF has a 12-14 day cycle, and when the process ends, you need to empty the tray and clean everything, it’s less likely to become an issue. In Tenebrio farms, however, this can be problematic.

[Insectius software detecting mites]


In my opinion, this is the worst pest, mainly because it makes daily tasks very uncomfortable. When working on the farm, and you find a large spider in each tray, it makes you more cautious, reducing your work speed and productivity. Obviously, spiders will also feed on your insects, but that shouldn’t be a major issue. The main concern is worker safety and the reduction in work speed and productivity.

To address this, frequently move the trays, clean everything thoroughly, and detect the problem early, this is crucial. In reality, the life/reproductive cycle of spiders is long, so it’s unlikely to become a major issue. However, if not detected in time, it can become problematic.


Harmless but annoying. The trick to controlling them is to set up a lot of traps—many traps—and to constantly replace them. With good hygiene, they shouldn’t be a problem. Even if you have them, traps are something you can use to quickly and effectively control the situation.

I recommend electric traps

And also adhesive traps: